Watchdog Blasts Arizona Senate Majority Leader Borrelli’s False Claims On Voting Machines

Today, in response to Arizona Senate Majority Leader Sonny Borrelli (SD-30) sending a letter to counties across the state falsely telling officials they are not allowed to use machines to count ballots, Informing Democracy Director of Legal Research and Senior Policy Counsel Jenny Gimian issued the following statement:

“Borrelli’s false claims are wrong and an extreme overreach. Arizona law both requires the use of electronic equipment for tabulation, and provides for testing and certification requirements in compliance with federal law to ensure its accuracy. A single senator, even the Majority Leader, can’t act on behalf of the full legislature or otherwise change the law alone. Moreover, Borelli cannot and should not issue mandates to county officials nor manipulate the Constitution in an attempt to mislead them into compliance.”

Ahead of last year’s midterm elections, Informing Democracy published a report providing a detailed look at the vote counting and certification processes in Arizona, including identifying key election administration officials and their key responsibilities.

Earlier this year, Informing Democracy also identified Borrelli as an anti-democratic actor after he previously urged then-Vice President Mike Pence to halt certification of the presidential election and sponsored a legislative resolution to decertify Arizona’s presidential election.


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